REGISTRATION FORM Please fill-in and send the form below SELECTED SKATER'S PACKAGE SELECTED SKATER'S PACKAGE4WS (Camp for 4 Weeks)3WS (Camp for 3 Weeks)2WS (Camp for 2 Weeks)1WS (Camp for 1 Week) SELECTED WEEKS SELECTED WEEKS4 Weeks Camp (Week 26+27+28+29) June 23 - July 193 Weeks Camp (Week 26+27+28) June 23 - July 123 Weeks Camp (Week 27+28+29) June 30 - July 192 Weeks Camp (Week 26+27) June 23 - July 52 Weeks Camp (Week 27+28) June 30 - July 122 Weeks Camp (Week 28+29) July 7 - July 191 Week Camp (Week 26) June 23 - June 281 Week Camp (Week 27) June 30 - July 51 Week Camp (Week 28) July 7 - July 121 Week Camp (Week 29) July 14 - July 19 Participant's First Name Participant's Last Name Participant's Gender Participant's GenderFemaleMale Participant's Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy) Participant's Country Club and Coaches Name Upcoming Skating Category (2025-2026) if competitive skater Skating Level Skating LevelAdult / Debutant / RecreationalAll Single Jumps (without axel)Axel and Double JumpsDouble Axel and Triple JumpsISU International Level Highest StSq level ever obtained during an official competition Highest StSq level ever obtained during an official competitionNot concerned (non-competitive skater)StSqBStSq1StSq2StSq3StSq4 Most difficult jump (highest value) ever done with GOE positive score during an official competition (for competitive skaters) Participant Medical Condition / Treatment (if any) Parents / Legal Guardian's Full Name Parents / Legal Guardian's Phone Number Parents / Legal Guardian's Email Extra Private Sessions / New Program Choreography Request I have read & Accept the General Rules & Regulations of the Camp I have read & Accept the General Rules & Regulations of the Camp Yes SEND